Friday, April 6, 2018

Secret Asian Man- A Brief Squee!

This entry may come as a disappointment.  Especially for those of you who've anxiously returned to find out the answer to last week’s puzzle - namely, do I feel cooler with a shaved armpit or not?

But it's still a bit cool to reliably test that, so allow me a brief squee.

Because of the way things are, I sometimes need to move around from place to place in a helicopter. Usually, this is done in big helicopter with small windows, where everyone sits with their backs to the windows facing each other. 

There's not a lot to see.  We get in, we go up, we go down, we get off.

I'd heard there was a smaller chopper - A UH-1 Huey, they use when the number of passengers is low. I never thought I'd get a chance to ride. There were always too many people. 

I was thrilled my last time, though. I walked out and saw the Huey waiting on the tarmac. An airman buckled me into the back seat with a lap belt. A length of rope was fashioned into sort of a handle and hung from the ceiling.

Strapped in, we lifted off and banked out over the city, my toes hanging out over the edge, the sun rising over the cool morning as millions below wake up and try and get through another day.

The job has its hassles, but a boyhood dream fulfilled is worth it.

No photos allowed, but here is what I imagine it looked like.


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